Come experience the TIA difference, where an investment expert explores your needs, analyzes your existing holdings, designs, implements and manages the portfolio which coordinates all the moving parts of your net worth – brilliantly.
Tiemann Investment Advisors, LLC is an independent, Registered Investment Adviser based in Menlo Park, California offering expert investment management to private clients. We manage individual portfolios with integrity, academic excellence and decades of investment management experience. We provide customized, institutional-caliber investment portfolios along with a disciplined approach to investment management. We are not like other investment firms, so we invite you to read more about what makes the investment service we offer different from that provided by nearly every other investment advisor. You’ve done your job superbly — creating extraordinary wealth — now you deserve to have a true investment expert at your side to help you safeguard your wealth and make it work for you!

Experience the pleasure and relief of dealing with a top-level investment expert who can actually answer your complex questions. Unburden yourself from the stress of needing to learn everything you can about investing or reading hyped fund prospectuses so you can preserve your nest egg, or worse, avoiding the issue altogether!

Let Dr. Tiemann show you how he creates a completely custom investment plan that reflects your existing portfolio, your needs and your specific risks. Benefit from TIA’s proprietary portfolio design and implementation protocols, which not only optimizes your individual portfolio returns but also maximizes your after-tax return.

TIA’s investment service means you have an expert working for you. The only way to really understand how distinctive this really is, is to come meet Dr. Tiemann himself. You’ll never speak with a broker or salesman — because we don’t have any. Meanwhile, read more to learn how TIA’s investment management service can work for you.
We know investment management, we know your portfolio and we know you. This is the TIA difference.
A carousel of Dr. Tiemann’s Investment Viewpoint Notes:
- International Finance in the Age of SailDarius Tirgan2024-07-08T11:07:21-07:00
International Finance in the Age of Sail
- Global History of Capitalism Project – Russian American CompanyJonathan Tiemann2022-03-04T00:10:33-08:00
Global History of Capitalism Project – Russian American Company
- Historical Perspectives on BitcoinJonathan Tiemann2021-11-01T13:19:27-07:00
Historical Perspectives on Bitcoin
- Global History of Capitalism Project – Discounting GoldJonathan Tiemann2021-10-31T22:50:26-07:00
Global History of Capitalism Project – Discounting Gold
- Global History of Capitalism Project – LeidesdorffJonathan Tiemann2021-10-31T22:50:10-07:00
Global History of Capitalism Project – Leidesdorff
- Ode to Spring: The Baseball SubjunctiveEditor2020-06-07T00:45:01-07:00
Ode to Spring: The Baseball Subjunctive
- Contagion 1855: How the Crimean War Felled San Francisco’s Largest BanksJonathan Tiemann2021-10-31T22:49:50-07:00
Contagion 1855: How the Crimean War Felled San Francisco’s Largest Banks
- The Purpose of Monetary PolicyJonathan Tiemann2018-04-03T14:32:56-07:00
The Purpose of Monetary Policy
- Tom Brady’s Victory Pumps up Organized LaborEditor2015-12-14T20:09:19-08:00
Tom Brady’s Victory Pumps up Organized Labor
- Why the Debt Ceiling Debate MattersJonathan Tiemann2018-04-04T12:48:43-07:00
Why the Debt Ceiling Debate Matters
- Is Bond Market Liquidity Really Falling?Jonathan Tiemann2018-04-04T12:53:43-07:00
Is Bond Market Liquidity Really Falling?
- Growth in the Age of Cheap CapitalJonathan Tiemann2018-04-04T13:41:19-07:00
Growth in the Age of Cheap Capital
- The Store of Value Under SiegeJonathan Tiemann2018-04-05T13:27:13-07:00
The Store of Value Under Siege
- Advancing the State of the Investment ArtEditor2007-11-07T23:42:36-08:00
Advancing the State of the Investment Art
- The Hidden Costs of Investing: The A, B, Cs of Mutual FundsEditor2007-02-08T00:35:45-08:00
The Hidden Costs of Investing: The A, B, Cs of Mutual Funds
- The Peculiar Alchemy of Hedge FundsJonathan Tiemann2018-04-13T12:49:54-07:00
The Peculiar Alchemy of Hedge Funds
- Head Over Heels for the Yield CurveJonathan Tiemann2018-04-13T12:57:06-07:00
Head Over Heels for the Yield Curve
- Meet Ben Bernanke, the New Fed ChairJonathan Tiemann2018-04-13T12:59:35-07:00
Meet Ben Bernanke, the New Fed Chair