TIA Sets a Higher Ethical Standard
Tiemann Investment Advisors is a unique investment advisory firm, founded by Dr. Jonathan Tiemann, an investment management expert (not a broker, banker, investment banker, financier or financial planner), who has spent his entire career studying and working in the field of investment management. Dr. Tiemann blends both the academic sophistication garnered by receiving a Ph.D in Finance from Yale University, followed by a half decade of teaching Finance at Harvard Business School, with the institutional professionalism and personal integrity of a career managing investment portfolios from within large-scale investment management operations to the management of individual portfolios. TIA’s extremely high ethical standards are integral to Dr. Tiemann’s philosophy of serving the best interests of each investor and are woven into TIA’s investment philosophy, implementation and even the structure of its operations.
Our Privacy Policy Sets A Higher Standard
Tiemann Investment Advisors will not divulge your confidential personal or financial information for any reason, other than for the purposes of managing your investments. You will know of any and all uses for which your information will be used (such as for the transfer of accounts) and will have approved this use in advance. TIA does not share your information with anyone except in the direct conduct of the investment advisory business (namely in interactions with the custodian, to whom this information has also been given by the client), nor permit any other firm, partners or third-party entities to contact you for any reason. There is nothing to “opt out” of with TIA and you will not receive unsolicited mail, offerings or other communications from TIA, other than that required through the conduct of our direct business with you.
All client communications are sent by email directly by Dr. Tiemann. This helps to ensure confidentiality and saves trees. Dr. Tiemann also authors articles (what he calls “Notes”) from time to time which are emailed to those who “Opt In” by request. If you’d like to be included (or excluded) in the distribution by email of our newsletter, you can make this request directly via email to TIA to that effect. All notes are posted in the “Investment Viewpoint” page of this web site within a week or so of the initial email release.
TIA strives to conscientiously align its interests with those of its clients and limits the activities it engages in to reduce the potential for conflicts of interest. Chief among these is not ever using any client data for any direct or third party marketing activity. TIA will never utilize client data to generate alternative revenues as most other firms do. Additionally, TIA will never permit advertising on its website in order to generate additional revenue from “eyeballs” or “clicks” as other firms do. If you receive any email or mail from anyone you do not recognize claiming to be from Tiemann Investment Advisors, please report it to us immediately.
The firm’s sales, marketing, advertising, client reporting, as well as every aspect of its operations, reflect TIA’s commitment to place it obligations to its clients over all other considerations. TIA does not represent any corporate clients, manage the issuance or sale of corporate clients’ securities or make recommendations to any client to buy securities that it holds in inventory or has any interest in. TIA receives no compensation tied to recommending any particular security, selling any mutual funds, trading or “churning” of accounts. TIA does not pay non-experts to sell our investment service or to recommend any investment products. Neither the firm nor its experts are affiliated with any investment bank or brokerage firm. TIA strives to communicate its value proposition accurately and enjoys a high referral rate from existing clients but TIA does not pay for client referrals.
TIA maintains strict confidentiality about its client accounts and towards its use of any personal information collected. We never sell or distribute any client information to any third party for any purpose except as necessary for the purpose that TIA was hired to perform.