Dr. Jonathan Tiemann
Dr. Jonathan Tiemann, TIA’s co-founder, president and chief investment “guru,” has more than 30 years of investment experience, which include nearly a decade in academia and now more than twenty years managing money and designing investment services. He earned his B.S. in Applied Mathematics from Yale University, an M.S. in Operations Research from Stanford University, and his Ph.D. in Finance from Yale University.
Dr. Tiemann taught Finance at Harvard Business School for five years before leaving academia for Barclays Global Investors (formerly Wells Fargo Nikko Investment Advisors and currently Blackrock), where he became Chief Investment Strategist, responsible for nearly $200 billion in institutional assets. Dr. Tiemann has also served as President and Chief Investment Officer of BARRA RogersCasey Asset Services, and as Chief Investment Officer for AdvisorTech Corporation. From 2001 to 2011, Dr. Tiemann served as Chief Investment Strategist and head of the Investment Committee for the MyVest Corporation. He served as an Investment Committee Member for the Savant Group from 2008 through 2013 and he is currently serving on the Investment Committee for Theatreworks.
Dr. Tiemann is considered a leading designer and developer of innovative techniques for customized portfolio management for individuals and organizations. Dr. Tiemann has spoken and written extensively in the area of investment management, investor rights and regulatory oversight of the broker-dealer community, and served on the Economic Advisory Board of the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA, formerly, the National Association of Securities Dealers (NASD)) from 2005 through 2010 (see page 65 of the EAB link for their board list). FINRA is currently the organization that regulates broker-dealers and they now host an online portal called “Broker-Check” where investors can research their broker-dealer to learn whether or not an individual or firm is properly registered, has been the subject of disciplinary action or even barred. Dr. Tiemann also previously served on a Working Group committee developing language for the Accredited Investor rules, governing unregistered securities offerings. Currently, he is researching, writing and speaking about banking in the Gold Rush era.
For additional and downloadable information for Dr. Tiemann, click here to download a CV, here to download a Bio, and here to download an image.