About Jonathan Tiemann

Dr. Jonathan Tiemann, TIA’s founder, president and chief investment “guru,” has 30 years of investment experience, which include nearly a decade in academia and now more than twenty years managing money and designing investment services. He earned his B.S. in Applied Mathematics from Yale University, an M.S. in Operations Research from Stanford University, and his Ph.D. in Finance from Yale University. Dr. Tiemann taught Finance at Harvard Business School for five years before leaving academia for Barclays Global Investors (formerly Wells Fargo Nikko Investment Advisors and currently Blackrock), where he became Chief Investment Strategist, responsible for nearly $200 billion in institutional assets.

Fiduciary Blurt

By |2018-12-20T20:37:17-08:00March 11th, 2015|Brokers, Fiduciary Duty Standards, Financial Institutions, Investment Advisor Rules, Securities & Exchange Commission, TIA|

By Dr. Jonathan Tiemann In my childhood, my favorite cartoon was The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle, a Cold War-era sendup of the popular cloak-and-dagger movies of the day. The heroes, Rocky the Flying Squirrel and Bullwinkle T. Moose, always managed, in their bumbling way, to thwart the arch-villains, Boris Badenov and Natasha Fatale. In one memorable adventure, Boris and [...]

This man might just save the euro

By |2018-12-20T20:37:47-08:00February 23rd, 2015|Business News, Euro, Financial Institutions, international Finance|

By Dr. Jonathan Tiemann Last month, a general election in Greece brought to power a leftist party called Syriza. Syriza’s leader — Greece’s new Prime Minister — Alexis Tsipras, campaigned on promises to roll back the severe economic austerity the previous government had accepted as a condition for continued financial support from the rest of the Eurozone. But while Mr. [...]

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