Why the Debt Ceiling Matters — and What to do About It

By |2019-02-09T13:17:07-08:00February 5th, 2019|Banking, California History, Congress, Debt Ceiling, Federal Reserve, Financial Health, Fiscal Policy, Government shutdown, Treasury Department|

Dr. Tiemann presented a talk at the Business Management Discussion Group on Monday, February 4th in Santa Monica, California entitled “Why the Debt Ceiling Matters - and What to do About It.”

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Inside the Sausage Factory

By |2018-12-20T20:26:27-08:00January 20th, 2017|Congress, Financial Institutions, Treasury Department|

By Dr. Jonathan Tiemann, January 20, 2017 With a new Administration comes a new Cabinet, so the US Senate spent most of its time this week in hearings with Cabinet nominees on whom the Constitution requires them to provide their advice and consent. On January 19, the Senate Finance Committee interviewed the new Treasury Secretary-designate, Steven Mnuchin. The hearing was [...]

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